Crypto Tour Nigeria

Trading | Educating | Connecting
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An asset that everyone
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What To Expect

1. 3 Crypto experts will share
their successful trading and investment strategies.
  • Tola Joseph

    Founder of crypto masterclass

  • Ib Macdonald

    CEO of Donline trade harvest

  • Anonyuo George Chigozie

    CEO of Geodivita E-consulting

2.Making money with CoinCola P2P
Crypto marketplace

3.Exchange experience and
communicate with crypto influencers
& pro traders.

4.Free bitcoin giveaway is ready
for you at the event!

Vote for Your City

CoinCola hopes to visit as many Nigerian cities as possible and wants you to decide which one we should go to next. Vote the following 5 cities and the highest-voted will be our next destination!